Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What's the African Perspective to total provision for a child

The increase in the number of British born children running away from home to join the terror group ISIS has been astonishing.

Children who have been provided with top tier education, infrastructure, medical facilities, welfare support system, basics of life - food, shelter and clothing. To think that they choose to give all of these up and head into war ravaged regions to fight for causes they hardly have a good understanding of is worrisome.

Children in poverty stricken African communities as well as those from affluent backgrounds would give all for the things these youths are throwing away. It leads a curious mind to wonder if providing too much comfort for a child takes away their aspirations and thus leaves their mind to wonder, giving room to negative thoughts and anti-social behaviour.

These children end up rebelling and fighting the same institution that provided all for them. What is your take on this matter?

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